No plastics in the organic waste bin.

*Compostable plastic bags must not be placed in the organic waste bin either.
Alte Dame mit erhobenem Zeigefinger

No plastics in the organic waste bin.

Why neither plastic or “organic plastic” may be placed in the organic waste bin

Put simply, plastic bags primarily consist of crude oil and take around 20 years to break down. But broken down does not mean biologically degraded. What remains of the plastic bag is microplastics which then reach the food chain, ground water and oceans where they damage the ecosystem. Even “compostable plastic bags” are allowed to contain a proportion of crude oil, which does break down but does not fully biologically degrade within the production processes in our plants. The time it takes these bags to disintegrate far exceeds the production times. These bags also „melt” in the digestion stages of our plants and are almost impossible to separate from the compost. We want clean compost soil and functional plants for more bioenergy.

Get involved and make a switch from plastic bags and compostable plastic bags – for clean organic compost and more bioenergy.